Friday, March 26, 2010

Anyone Else Addicted to Harry Potter Fanfiction?

I know that I do not talk too much about this, but I am crazy about Harry Potter fanfiction. I started out this love affair when I was in grade ten after my fateful introduction to it by a friend. At the time, I was completely into the Lily/James ship. When I read the chapter ''Snape's Worst Memory'', I squealed.

Then, I cozied up to Draco/Ginny or Hermione. I love Draco's darkness combined with that innocenct Gryffindor bravery. Yes, I love everything Slytherin. That is the sexiest house for me. This is my fantasy: I would be Gryffindor girl with a secret liason with a Slytherin. Alas, it is fated that can only happen in my imagination. I just love love/hate relationships because they are just so fun to read. I do not even mind cliches because it is really up to the author on how good it is and it would have to be rated M. One of my recent obsessions in fanfiction is this:

The Pansy/Percy ship. They are probably my favourite non-canon pair. There is a story by Coconut Girl, and it is absolutely divine to read. I know that Pansy is just plain annoying in the books the way she just follows Draco around, but in this story The Sweetest Revenge, I can actually relate to her. And, I just love how she always gets what she wants. I know Percy would never be the typical romantic hero, but now he just seems so adorable in all his pompousness. Definitely a Capricorn.

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